Fair Haven Community Healthcare is offering testing for CVOID-19 at 374 Grand Avenue in New Haven Connecticut. The JVF supports all efforts by local healthcare providers to ramp up testing, as it's the key to defeating the virus. We encourage all of our families to take advantage of this important service FHCHC is providing to the community.
Here are some details regarding testing.
· Appointments are currently available 9am – noon and 1-4pm. Monday-Friday.
· Results are available in 2-3 days.
· There will be no cost to uninsured patients. Those with insurance (private, HUSKY, Medicaid/Medicare) will be covered by insurance and have no out of pocket charges.
· Open to all – no need to be a current FHCHC patient.
· Appointments can be made during regular health center hours (8am-5pm) by calling our dedicated line: 203-871-4179.
The JVF has also posted an image of the details in Spanish.

For any further questions regarding testing, please contact FHCHC at the listed number! Good luck, stay healthy!
